Getting hiring right is hard.
3 in 4 companies can’t find the talent they need. Plus, failed hires cost up to 33% of an employee’s salary.
Making the wrong hire is a huge productivity blocker, a massive time drain, and a constant pain in the backside.
Don’t worry. We’re here to help.
CADLearning Pre-Hire Assessments help you hire the right people with the right skills.
Choose from our database of 30,000 AEC-specific questions or build your own.
Send your assessments to an unlimited number of candidates.
Compare their results and prioritize applicants with your dashboard.
With the confidence candidates have the right skills, you can make data-driven decisions and focus on finding the best cultural fit.
Keep the momentum going
To truly win the talent war, you must deliver a positive experience beyond day one.
We’ll help with that too.
Easily build custom onboarding paths based on skill gaps that prehire assessments identify and deliver learning opportunities that make an impact with CADLearning Enterprise.